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站长简历蒋志培 高级顾问 教授 电子邮件: 电话: 语言: 业务范围: 执业资格: 北京徊峰智财知识产权代理有限公司执行董事 教育背景: 曾任及现任职务: 曾任 现任 中国版权协会常务理事、副理事长、中国版权协会法律专业委员会主任 中国知识产权杂志聘为杂志顾问、专栏作家 国家法官学院教授 方达律师事务所高级顾问
出版物和参与立法活动 蒋志培博士参加我国民法、知识产权法、民诉法等民商事法律的立法和法律修改工作以及民商事许多司法解释的起草工作。主编、创作和参与创作《知识产权诉讼》、《网络与电子商务 法》、《入世后我国知识产权法律保护研究》、《知识产权指导与参考(1-8卷)》、《最高人民法院知识产权案例与评析》、《知识产权法律适用与司法解释》、《新专利法司法解释精解》、《知识产权民事审判证据实务》、《知识产权法律适用实务问答录》、《专利商标新型疑难案件审判实务》、《中国知识产权司法保护2007》、《中国知识产权司法保护2008》 等多部著作和论文。1999年创立中国知识产权司法保护网(www.chinaiprlaw.cn)。
出访参加会议演讲(2008年8月以后) 国内论坛、讲座(2008年8月以后)
对中外企业进行法律咨询顾问工作(2009年以后) 1968年6月在黑龙江生产建设兵团参加工作,1975年在黑龙江八一农垦大学进修农学、农机技术专业,任统计员、农业技术员等; 1979年10月后到北京市西城区人民法院任书记员、助理审判员、审判员,民庭副庭长、庭长,1985年任该院副院长;1990年1月经遴选任最高人民法院民庭助理审判员、审判员、涉外港澳台组审判组长,1993年9月任副局级审判员;1995年2月任最高人民法院知识产权办公室副主任;1996年10月任最高人民法院知识产权庭副庭长;2000年8月任最高人民法院民事审判第三庭(知识产权审判庭)庭长,同年10月任最高人民法院审判委员会委员。中华人民共和国一级高级法官。2008年9月退休,从事法学教育、法律宣传和法律服务工作。 2004年、2005年连续被推选为全球50个知识产权法律知名人士之一。中国法学会知识产权法研究会副会长、中国版权协会副理事长、中国知识产权研究会常务理事、国际知识产权协会中国分会(AIPPI)副会长、中国科技法学会常务理事、 中国法官学会理事。 参加我国民法、知识产权法、民诉法等民商事法律的立法工作以及民商事许多司法解释的起草工作,推动我国入世前后知识产权司法保护制度建设。主编、创作和参与创作《知识产权诉讼》、《网络与电子商务法》、《入世后我国知识产权法律保护研究》、《知识产权指导与参考(1-8卷)》、《最高人民法院知识产权案例与评析》、《知识产权法律适用与司法解释》等多部著作和论文。1999年起创立中国知识产权司法保护网:www.chinaiprlaw.cn
;www.chinaiprlaw.com Dr. Jiang Zhipei, former Chief Justice of the IPR Tribunal of the Supreme People's Court, is a Senior Advisor now. As one of the most distinguished experts in the area of intellectual property law, Dr. Jiang served as Commissioner of the Trial Committee and Chief Justice of the Third Civil Tribunal (Intellectual Property Right Tribunal) of the Supreme People’s Court. He has retired recently from those posts. Dr. Jiang is the Vice President of the IPR Association of China Law Society, Deputy Managing Director of China Copyright Association and Vice President of AIPPI's China Branch. He is also the Executive Director of the China Intellectual Property Society and the China Science and Technology Law Academy, and the Director of the China Judge Academy. Dr. Jiang is an adjunct professor at China Renmin University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, National Judges College, China University of Political Science and Law, Wuhan University, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and a research fellow at China Renmin University's Commercial Law Research Foundation. He participated in the writing and editing of The Intellectual Property Litigation; Internet and Electronic Business Law; and Application and Judicial Interpretation of Intellectual Property Law, among others. In 1999, he founded the www.chinaiprlaw.cn website. Dr. Jiang received his Ph.D. degree in commercial law from China Renmin University. Dr. Jiang started to pursue his judge’s career in 1979 at Beijing West
District People’s Court. From 1990 through 1996, Dr. Jiang served as
a judge and a senior judge of the Civil Tribunal of the Supreme People’s
Court. From 1996 through 2008, Dr. Jiang served as Deputy Chief Justice
and Chief Justice of the IPR Tribunal of the Supreme People’s Court.
In his pursuit of judge’s career, Dr. Jiang participated in China’s
IPR law system reform and handled numerous IPR cases. He was named as
one of the “50 Most Influential People in IP” by Managing IP in 2004
and 2005. In 1999, he founded the www.chinaiprlaw.cn website which is
widely regarded as one of the most influential IPR legal resource websites
in China.
(2000年原简介) RESUME Personal Information:
The Supreme People’s Court of PRC January 1990 – present Aug. 2000-present Commissioner of the Trial
Committee and Chief Justice of the Third Civil Trial Chamber (Intellectual
Property Right Trial Chamber) of the Supreme People’s Court of P.R.China Temple University in Philadelphia,
USA June-July 2003 John Marshall Law School in Chicago, USA March-July
1998 University of Birmingham,
England April-Oct. 1992 The Judge West People’s
Court of Beijing May 1979-Jan. 1990
Vice Chairman of the IPR Study Association of the
Law Science Association of China Education Sep.1979-July 1984 Finished law study in Beijing
Law University
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