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律商网新法速递 Daily Legislation Express [2014-09-23]



Latest News

两高一部规范暴力恐怖宗教极端刑案办理 [2014-09-22]

99日,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部联合下发《关于办理暴力恐怖和宗教极端刑事案件适用法律若干问题的意见》(以下简称《意见》)。 《意见》强调,要准确认定案件性质。为制造社会恐慌、危害公共安全或者胁迫国家机关、国际组织,组...

Three Authorities Issue Opinions on Handling Criminal Cases of Violent Terrorism and Religious Extremism [2014-09-22]

On September 9, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security issued the Opinions on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases of Violent Ter...

银监会发布《外资银行行政许可事项实施办法》 [2014-09-22]

在广泛征求社会意见的基础上,银监会对《外资金融机构行政许可事项实施办法》进行了修订,更名为《外资银行行政许可事项实施办法》(以下简称《办法》),并于911日正式发布施行。 《办法》大幅简化了行政许可程序,删除了多项已被取消的行政...

Measures on Administrative Licensing of Foreign-invested Banks Released [2014-09-22]

Upon public consultation, the China Banking Regulatory Commission ("CBRC") recently revised the Implementation Measures on the Administrative Licensing of Foreign-invested Financial Institutions, with the name changed to the Implementa...

证监会修改《证券期货市场诚信监督管理暂行办法》 [2014-09-22]

95日,证监会公布修改后的《证券期货市场诚信监督管理暂行办法(2014年修订)》(以下简称《办法》),并自20141015日起施行。 根据修改后的规定,《办法》第八条规定的违法失信信息,在诚信档案中的效力期限为3年,但因证券...

Rules on Overseeing Integrity in Securities and Futures Market Revised [2014-09-22]

The China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC") on September 5 released the revised Interim Measures on the Integrity Supervision and Administration in the Securities and Futures Market (Revised in 2014) (the "Measures"), to be eff...

《石油化学工业污染物排放标准》等两项环保标准征求意见 [2014-09-22]

近日,环保部就《石油化学工业污染物排放标准》(征求意见稿)等两项国家环保标准征求意见。意见反馈截止日期为2014108日。 其中,《石油化学工业污染物排放标准》(征求意见稿)明确,石油化学工业是指以石油馏分、天然气为原料,生产...

Standards for Emission of Petrochemical Industrial Pollutants under Consultation [2014-09-22]

The Ministry of Environmental Protection has solicited comments on two national environmental protection standards including the Standards for the Emission of Petrochemical Industrial Pollutants (Draft for Comment) (the "Draft"¬) b...

三部委联合印发《煤电节能减排升级与改造行动计划》 [2014-09-22]

日前,国家发改委等三部委联合印发 《煤电节能减排升级与改造行动计划(2014-2020年)》(以下简称《计划》)。 《计划》明确了煤电节能减排改造工作的指导思想和行动目标,并从加强新建机组准入控制、加快现役机组改造升级、提升机组负...

Action Plan for Upgrading of Coal Power Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Released [2014-09-22]

Three authorities including the National Development and Reform Commission recently released the Action Plan for the Transformation and Upgrading of Coal Power Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction (2014- 2020) (the "Plan"). The P...

国税总局强力推进行政审批制度改革 [2014-09-22]

日前,国税总局发布《关于税务行政审批制度改革若干问题的意见》(以下简称《意见》),要求严格行政审批目录化管理,严禁变相保留、恢复、新设税务行政审批事项。 《意见》要求,各级税务机关不得以任何形式设定税务行政审批事项。对可能涉及设立...

SAT Promotes Administrative Approval System Reform [2014-09-22]

The State Administration of Taxation ("SAT") has released the Opinions on Several Issues concerning the Tax Administrative Approval System Reform (the "Opinion"), requiring that tax administrative approval shall be strictly administere...



Latest Regulations




Banking Law

中国银监会外资银行行政许可事项实施办法 [中国银行业监督管理委员会] [2014-09-11]


Implementation Measures of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on the Administrative Licensing of Foreign-invested Banks (Only Title Translated)




Tax Law

国家税务总局关于税务行政审批制度改革若干问题的意见 [国家税务总局] [2014-09-15]


Opinions of the State Administration of Taxation on Several Issues concerning the Tax Administrative Approval System Reform (Only Title Translated)




Resources Law

关于印发《煤电节能减排升级与改造行动计划(20142020年)》的通知 [国家发展和改革委员会; 环境保护部; 国家能源局] [2014-09-12]


Circular on Issuing the Action Plan for the Transformation and Upgrading of Coal Power Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction (2014-2020) (Only Title Translated)




Criminal Law & Criminal Action

关于办理暴力恐怖和宗教极端刑事案件适用法律若干问题的意见 [最高人民检察院; 最高人民法院; 公安部] [2014-09-09]


Opinions on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases of Violent Terrorism and Religious Extremism (Only Title Translated)




Environment Law

关于征求《石油化学工业污染物排放标准》(征求意见稿)等两项国家环境保护标准意见的函 [环境保护部] [2014-09-17]


Letter on Seeking Comments on Two National Environmental Protection Standards Including the Standards for the Emission of Petrochemical Industrial Pollutants (Draft for Comment) (Only Title Translated)

本网发布时间:2014-9-25 7:10:32
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