《禁止非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定和选择性别人工终止妊娠的规定》公开征求意见 [2014-09-02]
日前,国家卫生计生委公布《禁止非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定和选择性别人工终止妊娠的规定(征求意见稿)》,并向社会公开征求意见。意见反馈截止时间为2014年10月2日。 意见稿规定,禁止任何单位或者个人实施非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定和选择... |
Provisions on Prohibiting Identification of Foetus Sex and Termination of Pregnancy Based on Sex Where There Is No Medical Need Issued for Comments [2014-09-02]
The National Health and Family Planning Commission has released the Provisions on Prohibiting the Identification of Foetus Sex and Termination of Pregnancy Based on Sex Where There Is No Medical Need (Draft for Comment) for public comm... |
国家邮政局修订《邮政业消费者申诉处理办法》 [2014-09-02]
8月27日,国家邮政局印发《邮政业消费者申诉处理办法》(以下简称《办法》),自2014年9月1日起施行。 《办法》明确,消费者申诉受理范围包括以下两种情形:邮政企业经营的邮政业务服务质量问题;经营快递业务企业的快递业务服务质量问题... |
SPB Revises Measures for Handling of Consumer Complaints in Postal Industry [2014-09-02]
On August 27, the State Post Bureau ("SPB") released the Measures for the Handling of Consumer Complaints in the Postal Industry (the "Measures"), with effect as of September 1, 2014. The Measures clarify that the scope of acceptance f... |
《建筑工程施工许可管理办法》10月25日起施行 [2014-09-02]
日前,住房和城乡建设部发布《建筑工程施工许可管理办法》(以下简称《办法》),并自2014年10月25日起施行。 根据《办法》,在境内从事各类房屋建筑及其附属设施的建造、装修装饰和与其配套的线路、管道、设备的安装,以及城镇市政基础设... |
Measures for Construction Permits for Construction Projects to Take Effect from October 25 [2014-09-02]
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development has released the Administrative Measures for Construction Permits for Construction Projects (the "Measures"), with effect as of October 25, 2014. According to the Measures, constructi... |
国家发展改革委降低成品油价格 [2014-09-02]
9月1日,国家发展改革委发布《关于降低国内成品油价格的通知》(下称《通知》),决定降低国内成品油价格,此次调价执行时间为2014年9月1日24时。 根据《通知》,汽、柴油价格每吨分别降低105元和100元,调整后的汽、柴油供应价格... |
The National Development and Reform Commission Cuts Refined Oil Prices [2014-09-02]
The National Development and Reform Commission ("NDRC") has decided to reduce domestic refined oil prices, according to its Circular on Reducing Domestic Refined Oil Prices (the "Circular") as released on September 1. The adjusted pric... |
国税总局发布纳税信用评价指标和评价方式 [2014-09-02]
近日,国税总局发布《纳税信用评价指标和评价方式(试行)》(简称《评价指标》),自2014年10月1日起施行。 《评价指标》分为纳税人信用历史信息、税务内部信息、外部信息三部分,外部信息由外部参考信息和外部评价信息组成。其中,税务内... |
SAT Issues Tax Payment Credit Evaluation Indicators and Methods [2014-09-02]
The State Administration of Taxation ("SAT") recently released the Tax Payment Credit Evaluation Indicators and Methods (for Trial Implementation) (the "Evaluation Indicators"), to be effective from October 1, 2014. The Evaluation Indi... |
加工贸易项下进口钢材保税政策至2015年取消 [2014-09-02]
8月28日,财政部、海关总署、国税总局联合发布《关于取消加工贸易项下进口钢材保税政策的补充通知》(下称《通知》)。 《通知》明确,经国务院批准,适当延长《财政部 海关总署 国家税务总局关于取消加工贸易项下进口钢材保税政策的通知》(... |
Tax Policy for Imports of Steel Materials for Processing Trade Eased [2014-09-02]
The Ministry of Finance, General Administration of Customs and State Administration of Taxation on August 28 released the Supplementary Circular on Suspending the Provision of Preferential Tax Treatments for Imports of Steel Materials ... |