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Regulations on the Administration of State Compensation Funds
Article 1    With a view to strengthening the administration of State compensation funds, protecting the legitimate rights of citizens, legal persons and other organizations to State compensation, and promoting legal administration by State organs, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with the State Compensation Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "State Compensation Law").
       第一条  为了加强国家赔偿费用管理,保障公民、法人和其他组织享有依法取得国家赔偿的权利,促进国家机关依法行使职权,根据《中华人民共和国国家赔偿法》(以下简称国家赔偿法),制定本条例。
Article 2    For the purposes of these Regulations, "State compensation funds" shall refer to funds that shall be given as compensation to claimants in accordance with the State Compensation Law.
       第二条  本条例所称国家赔偿费用,是指依照国家赔偿法的规定,应当向赔偿请求人赔偿的费用。
Article 3    State compensation funds shall be borne by people's governments at all levels according to the financial management system on a hierarchical basis.
People's governments at all levels shall, according to actual situations, set aside a certain amount of State compensation funds to be included in the annual fiscal budget at the corresponding level. Supplementary funds shall be promptly arranged as required if the amount of the State compensation funds payable in the then-current year exceeds the corresponding annual fiscal budget at the same level.
       第三条  国家赔偿费用由各级人民政府按照财政管理体制分级负担。
Article 4    State compensation funds shall be under the unified administration by finance departments of the relevant people's governments.
The administration of State compensation funds shall be subject to supervision in accordance with the law.
       第四条  国家赔偿费用由各级人民政府财政部门统一管理。
Article 5    A claimant applying for State compensation shall submit a written application to the organ liable for compensation along with the following documents: proof of identity of the claimant, as well as the judgment that has entered into force, reconsideration decision, compensation decision, or written mediation agreement related to the application.
Where a claimant indeed has difficulty writing the application, the claimant may entrust another person with the writing or make an oral application. In the latter case, the organ liable for compensation shall faithfully record the application, and give the record to the claimant for verification or read out the same to the claimant. The claimant shall sign on the record as confirmation.
       第五条  赔偿请求人申请支付国家赔偿费用的,应当向赔偿义务机关提出书面申请,并提交与申请有关的生效判决书、复议决定书、赔偿决定书或者调解书以及赔偿请求人的身份证明。
Article 6    Where the application materials are authentic, valid and complete, the organ liable for compensation shall be deemed to have accepted the application upon the receipt of said application materials. The organ liable for compensation shall notify in writing the claimant of the acceptance of the application.
Where the application materials are incomplete, the organ liable for compensation shall, on the spot or within three working days, send a one-off notification to the claimant of regarding the materials to be supplemented or corrected. If the claimant submits corrected or supplementary materials as required, it shall be deemed that the organ liable for compensation has accepted the application upon the receipt of the corrected or supplemented materials. Where the organ liable for compensation does not notify the claimant of the materials to be corrected or supplemented, it shall be deemed that the organ has accepted the application upon the receipt of the application materials.
Where the organ liable for compensation decides not to accept the application because the application materials contain false information or are invalid, it shall notify the claimant of the decision in writing and explain the reasons therefor.
       第六条  申请材料真实、有效、完整的,赔偿义务机关收到申请材料即为受理。赔偿义务机关受理申请的,应当书面通知赔偿请求人。
Article 7    Where a claimant raises an objection to the decision of the organ liable for compensation not accepting the application, the claimant may, within ten days from the date of the receipt of the written notice, file an application with the relevant organ at the next higher level for review. The organ at the next higher level shall make a decision in accordance with the law within five working days upon the receipt of the application for review.
Where the organ at the next higher level deems that the decision not accepting the application is wrong, it shall, within three working days from the date of the review decision, notify the organ liable for compensation to accept the application, and inform the claimant of the same. The organ liable for compensation shall immediately accept the application upon the receipt of said notification.
Where the organ at the next higher level upholds the decision not accepting the application, it shall notify the claimant of the decision in writing and explain the reasons therefor within three working days from the date of the review decision.
       第七条  赔偿请求人对赔偿义务机关不予受理决定有异议的,可以自收到书面通知之日起10日内向赔偿义务机关的上一级机关申请复核。上一级机关应当自收到复核申请之日起5个工作日内依法作出决定。
Article 8    An organ liable for compensation shall, within seven days from the acceptance of the compensation application filed by a claimant, file a written application with the relevant finance department for fund payment according to the budget management authority limit, and submit the following materials:
(1) The application for State compensation filed by the claimant;
(2) The judgment that has entered into force, reconsideration decision, compensation decision, or mediation agreement; and
(3) The proof of identity of the claimant.
       第八条  赔偿义务机关应当自受理赔偿请求人支付申请之日起7日内,依照预算管理权限向有关财政部门提出书面支付申请,并提交下列材料:
Article 9    Upon the receipt of the application materials submitted by an organ liable for compensation, the relevant finance department shall handle the application in light of the following circumstances:
(1) Where it is not within the authority of the finance department to pay for the State compensation funds stated in the application, the finance department shall return the application materials within three working days, and notify the organ liable for compensation in writing to apply with the finance department with the corresponding budget management authority;
(2) Where the application materials meet the requirements, the finance department shall be deemed to have accepted the application upon the receipt thereof, and notify the organ liable for compensation of the acceptance in writing;
(3) Where the application materials fail to meet the requirements, the finance department shall, within three working days, send a one-off notification to the organ liable for compensation regarding all the materials to be corrected or supplemented. The organ liable for compensation shall, within five working days, submit all the corrected or supplementary materials as required, and the finance department shall be deemed to have accepted the application upon the receipt of such materials.
       第九条  财政部门收到赔偿义务机关申请材料后,应当根据下列情况分别作出处理:
Article 10    A finance department shall, within 15 days upon the acceptance of an application, pay for the State compensation according to the requirements of budgetary, fiscal and treasury management.
Where the finance department discovers that the compensation items and/or calculation standards are in violation of the State Compensation Law, it shall report the case to the organ making the compensation decision or its superior organ so that such organ shall deal with the case and/or subject relevant personnel to liability in accordance with the law.
       第十条  财政部门应当自受理申请之日起15日内,按照预算和财政国库管理的有关规定支付国家赔偿费用。
Article 11    A finance department shall notify the organ liable for compensation and the claimant of the payment for State compensation within three working days from the date on which the payment is made.
       第十一条  财政部门自支付国家赔偿费用之日起3个工作日内告知赔偿义务机关、赔偿请求人。
Article 12    An organ liable for compensation shall, according to Articles 16 and 31 of the State Compensation Law, order the relevant staff members, the entrusted organizations or individuals to bear or recover part or all of the State compensation funds.
After making a decision according to provisions specified in the preceding paragraph, the organ liable for compensation shall notify the relevant finance department in writing of the decision.
The relevant staff members, the entrusted organizations or individuals shall, according to the provisions on fiscal revenue collection, hand over the State compensation funds borne by or recovered from them.
       第十二条  赔偿义务机关应当依照国家赔偿法第十六条第三十一条的规定,责令有关工作人员、受委托的组织或者个人承担或者向有关工作人员追偿部分或者全部国家赔偿费用。
Article 13    Organs liable for compensation, finance departments and staff members thereof that involve any of the following acts shall be dealt with or subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Regulations on Penalties and Sanctions for Fiscal Violations; where the act constitutes a criminal offense, the concerned party shall be subject to criminal liability in accordance with the law:
(1) Obtaining State compensation funds through fraudulent means, such as making false application or claim, among other things;
(2) Paying State compensation in violation of the scope and calculation standards prescribed in the State Compensation Law, resulting in the losses of fiscal funds;
(3) Failing to pay State compensation funds in accordance with the law;
(4) Retaining, withholding, misappropriating or encroaching on State compensation funds;
(5) Failing to order relevant staff members, entrusted organizations or individuals to bear the State compensation funds, or to recover the same from the staff members as required; or
(6) Failing to promptly hand over, as required, the State compensation funds borne by or recovered from relevant staff members, entrusted organizations or individuals to the State finance.
       第十三条  赔偿义务机关、财政部门及其工作人员有下列行为之一,根据《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》的规定处理、处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
Article 14    These Regulations shall come into effect on the date of promulgation. The Measures for the Administration of State Compensation Funds promulgated by the State Council on January 25, 1995 shall be simultaneously repealed.
       第十四条  本条例自公布之日起施行。1995年1月25日国务院发布的《国家赔偿费用管理办法》同时废止。
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