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20101114日在巴西圣保罗召开的金砖四国法律与发展研讨会上,俄罗斯、巴西、印度和中国等国学者共济一堂,研讨新发展国家的发展与法律问题。中国学者王晓晔、蒋志培应邀作为点评专家与会。这次会议是巴西FGV 法学院和有关方面,以及美国威斯康辛大学等主办的,巴西经贸主管官员和来自金砖四国、美国等国代表出席会议演讲、点评。中国学者王晓晔对反垄断法有关问题发表意见并就巴西等学者发言进行了点评。蒋志培教授在知识产权与发展创新议题一节对巴西专家的研究成果进行了点评,并发表意见称:面对这些新的问题和挑战,发展中国家应当进一步理解和考虑我们的国情;应当在国际知识产权发展中加强沟通和研讨,更多的交换我们观点。蒋志培说:Please note that taking the road of innovation development and enjoy independent intellectual property right, can also cause controversy and criticism.  My suggestion is that to look after the interests of the countries and developed countries benefit from the development of developing countries, China cannot only buy US airplanes and gm soybean, China needs high-tech products, or only independent innovation. The improvements and developments of the intellectual property protection system and innovation mechanism will provide a sound legal environment for the stable and rapid economic development of Brics, and such improvements and developments will also provide positive influences on the economic development and intellectual property protections for other countries around the world.

本网发布时间:2010-11-7 23:53:19
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