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a forthcoming meeting which aippi will organise in cooperation with asipi


dear aippi member

we would like to draw your attention to a forthcoming meeting which aippi will organise in cooperation with asipi.

the asipi ?aippi seminar on industrial and intellectual property, to be
held in buenos aires (argentina) from march 19 to 21, 2006, is a first
experience of joining two associations with common interests and common

an interesting scientific programme has been put together which includes many topics that are of great interest in current days in the area of industrial property. 

for further information we would like to invite you to visit our
international website www.aippi.org (under meetings) or the meeting website directly www.asipi-aippi2006.com.

wishing you best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a very happy new year, we look forward to meeting you at one of our next events.

aippi general secretariat
toedistrasse 16
ch-8027 z黵ich

本网发布时间:2005-12-22 14:33:00
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