from: erica white
sent: thursday, february 10, 2005 2:46 am
subject: intellectual property rights bench books
honorable jiang zhipei:
i am particularly interested to know if judges in china have a standard “bench book” focused on intellectual property rights.
thank you.
most sincerely,
erica white
john w. mccormack graduate school of policy studies
university of massachusetts boston
100 morrissey boulevard
boston, ma 02125
-----original message-----
from: judgejiang []
sent: monday, february 14, 2005 10:55 pm
to: erica white
subject: re: intellectual property rights bench books
importance: high
dear mr. erica white,
i am not sure the meaning of you mentioning "bench book". however china judges usually have handbook of all laws and regulations and other materials concerning intellectual property rights. my chamber drafts and edits two copies " juridical guideline and primer for intellectual property trials" for ip judges of all china.
judge jiang
dear judge jiang,
thank you very much for your reply. yes, a bench book is the same as a handbook. (we use the term bench book because the “bench” refers to the position of the judge and the court.)
thank you again.
best regards,
erica white