dear judge jiang zhipei!
thank you for the lot of useful information on your website.
please, help me to understand the meaning of 6.article of the "new" chinese copyright law.
"article 6. regulations for the protection of copyright in expressions of folklore shall be established separately by the state council."
do exist in the practice such regulations established by the state council?
are the authors of folklore-inspired music under the protection of copyright law in china?
thank you for your help.
sincerely yours:
zoltan krajko
(lawyer from hungary)
dear mr. wood,
i remembered i replied your mail. my answer of the first question is no. the regulation has not been issued. however courts handled some cases in the field. one or two years ago beijing court handled a case concerning folklore song protection. you can find the judgment of the case in my website but in chinese.
judge jiang zhipei
i happen to answer the same question of a student from us and you could look at the following linking address please. |